Making it work for multinational corporations and smallholder farmers in...
In the debate over how best to help poor farmers in Africa, the tendency is often to pit the interests of smallholder farmers as necessarily opposed to the interests of large or multi-national...
View ArticleLittle progress for some of the world’s poor, says report
The UK-based Catholic charity CAFOD interviewed 1,420 people in 56 communities across Uganda, Bolivia, the Philippines and Zimbabwe. They found that factors outside of the control of people are...
View ArticleControversy as Mugabe wins Zimbabwe presidential polls again
Zimbabweans line up near a polling station in Harare. Alexander Joe Zimbabwe’s 89 year-old President Robert Mugabe extended his time in office to a seventh term. The man who has ruled since 1980...
View ArticleMugabe urges end of foreign aid, new research says not so fast
It is commonplace to hear African leaders say that their country needs to end its dependency on foreign aid. The latest call comes from Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe. One of the longest serving...
View ArticleNovel parallels reality of Zimbabwe’s 2008 elections, with a twist
A drought in Zimbabwe has led 3 million people to need food aid in the country. Despite this challenge, plans for massive birthday celebrations for President Robert Mugabe are planned for later this...
View ArticleClinton isn’t going to jail, but in some countries it’s a way to build power
Here are some recent examples from around the world showing how some countries use laws like treason and inciting unrest to jail opponents and maintain power.
View ArticleGender equality is ‘impossible’ without better data on girls, new report says
Millions of girls will continue to be at risk unless better statistics and data are gathered to understand the reality of their daily challenges, according to a report released today by child rights...
View ArticleSouthern Africa can’t catch a break: Armyworm destroys crops
The return of rain following the end of El Niño should be good news for farmers in Southern Africa. But a pest from the Americas is ruining everything. Countries recovering from the two-year long...
View ArticleLittle progress for some of the world’s poor, says report
The UK-based Catholic charity CAFOD interviewed 1,420 people in 56 communities across Uganda, Bolivia, the Philippines and Zimbabwe. They found that factors outside of the control of people are...
View ArticleControversy as Mugabe wins Zimbabwe presidential polls again
Zimbabweans line up near a polling station in Harare. Alexander Joe Zimbabwe’s 89 year-old President Robert Mugabe extended his time in office to a seventh term. The man who has ruled since 1980...
View ArticleMugabe urges end of foreign aid, new research says not so fast
It is commonplace to hear African leaders say that their country needs to end its dependency on foreign aid. The latest call comes from Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe. One of the longest serving...
View ArticleNovel parallels reality of Zimbabwe’s 2008 elections, with a twist
A drought in Zimbabwe has led 3 million people to need food aid in the country. Despite this challenge, plans for massive birthday celebrations for President Robert Mugabe are planned for later this...
View ArticleClinton isn’t going to jail, but in some countries it’s a way to build power
Here are some recent examples from around the world showing how some countries use laws like treason and inciting unrest to jail opponents and maintain power.
View ArticleGender equality is ‘impossible’ without better data on girls, new report says
Millions of girls will continue to be at risk unless better statistics and data are gathered to understand the reality of their daily challenges, according to a report released today by child rights...
View ArticleSouthern Africa can’t catch a break: Armyworm destroys crops
The return of rain following the end of El Niño should be good news for farmers in Southern Africa. But a pest from the Americas is ruining everything. Countries recovering from the two-year long...
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